'Tantrum Confession' - A signed limited edition 24 colour silkscreen print with gold and silver leaf, diamond dust, pearl, stain and high-gloss glazes, embossing and glow in the dark ink...
'Tantrum Confession' - A signed limited edition 24 colour silkscreen print with gold and silver leaf, diamond dust, pearl, stain and high-gloss glazes, embossing and glow in the dark ink by British contemporary artist Dan Baldwin. Printed at Coriander Studios, published by CCA Galleries.
"My paintings from 2011 were heading to an almost textural, ethereal, abstract place. This work and other pieces in the series were heavily layered and went to a dreamlike, poetic space with no perspective. The use of pattern and shape and a childlike scribble is possibly influenced by my experience of parenthood. The piece is quite complex but really simple as well; it's aggressive, and really gentle and calm -as thats how I am when I work. My work is directly affected by the music I listen to whilst I paint; like Mozart fighting Motorhead! I called it 'Hurricane Tantrum Confession' originally, like a whirlwind of emotion and activity, then changed it to just 'Tantrum Confession': an explosion of activity and calm. As a child I stole £5 to buy five pen-knives, so I incorporated that into this work with the child's knife. I was also brought up catholic, so i've linked into that. It's a very thoughtful work and not obviously clear in meaning, quite complex but also really simple- more emotionally based. Interestingly I went on to make two completely abstract colour works after this, and I think you can see the beginnings of that way of thinking here in the coloured squares." - Dan Baldwin.