‘The Quest for Irma Series’ – A series of five signed, limited edition silkscreen prints with glazes by renowned British artist Tom Phillips. The Quest for Irma Series includes five...
‘The Quest for Irma Series’ – A series of five signed, limited edition silkscreen prints with glazes by renowned British artist Tom Phillips.
The Quest for Irma Series includes five images that have been reproduced from the iconic series of gouaches that Phillips created in 1973. The series relates to the opera ‘Irma’ composed by Phillips in 1969. The eponymous heroine represents the ideal woman of the hero (Grenville’s) quest. The inspiration for Irma was germinated from Phillips’ ongoing project A Humument. This project, which Phillips has continually worked on since 1966, is a transformation of W.H Mallocks Victorian potboiler ‘A Human Document’, published in 1892.
Please note the print is subject to availability and prices may change.