‘Road to Zennor Mono 1’ – A signed, oil and pastel on paper monotype by Lucy Farley, one in a series of six unique works on paper.
The Road to Zennor monotypes are a series of six unique works. The inspiration originates from a trip to Cornwall where Farley researched into the Cornish Surrealist painter Ithell Colquhoun, who lived and worked in Lamorna cove in the 1940's. Farley revisited the historic sites that inspired Colquhoun's paintings such as stone circles, burial grounds and standing stones in her nearby fields.
“The ‘Road to Zennor' image began as a series of on-the-spot sketchbook drawings in Cornwall, looking up from road level at the fields, stones and farm gates on the way to Zennor. The criss-cross motif of the gate appears in each of the six works as well as the tumbling boulders and approaching red sundown sky. I'm fascinated by the traces of man's work and sacred rituals that litter this particular landscape whether it be the ravaged mines that are no longer in use or spiritual Neolithic stone circles.” – Lucy Farley