Chris Orr
Published by Chris Orr & CCA Galleries
Printed at Curwen Studio
Further images
"Who hasn’t fled something without fully settling
up? I remember running out of Schmidt’s German Restaurant in Charlotte street
after a disastrous meal. I have decamped owing a bit of rent. I have dodged
paying the full fare by saying I was older or younger than I actually was.
Quite a charge sheet.
Bacchus may have something to do with it, and
Cupid aided and abetted by firing arrows in the dark. Phases of the moon ruled
flits before the age of street lighting. Imagine a pitch black flit? Tragically
the refugee has no choice and gets out when and while they can, lugging what
they think might be useful.
When we have to move quickly, chaos sometimes
ensues, or the chaos that is normally covered up gets revealed. We understand
the imperative to do a quick skedaddle taking what we can. Instant decisions
are required. Grab the kettle and leave the Ming vase. The upheaval of doing a
runner or even a legal house move goes to the heart.
I have always been fascinated by rag and bone
men (were there any women in the trade?) House clearances are brutal. The
re-assignment of that most intimate item, the bath whether in a Farmer’s field
or on the scrap heap is disturbing. A skip reduces prize possessions to muck. A
bulldozer can quickly turn a palace into dirt and dust.
In my picture even the house is being
dismembered in the flit. We all know the stories of movers taking even the
light fittings. Burglars are assisting in the removal of objects, but one man
sits obstinately looking at his mobile phone. The mattress is flying, and the
baby has flung his toys out of the play pen.The motorway is choc a bloc with
rentavans and the rather overgrown pet alligator is returning to the zoo. We
are all only an instant away from a flit.
“Moonlight Flit”
is the 10th lithograph I have produced with Curwen (3 at Curwen Chilford
Hall). It is the third in the same format that began with “Crisis? What
Crisis?” 2020. followed by “Another Fine Mess!” 2021."
- Chris Orr, 2022.