“Paintings are made over time by mutation and adjustment.  With printmaking this work is done largely in advance on the plate or block or screen.  What I love is the thrilling moment when the paper emerges from the press and, smack! It’s all there instantly like a rubber stamp.”  -  Paul Huxley

Acknowledged globally for his large scale bold and dynamic paintings, Paul Huxley’s abstract work explores implied perspectives, combining stretched and distorted ellipses and shapes with flat blocks of colour and linear patterns to create dynamic illusions. He invites the viewer to unpick the paintings and consider why such elements have been considerately placed together. Interspersing his painterly practice with printmaking when the opportunity arises, his prints often become a fortuitous insight into the ideas and themes explored within his paintings. Reflecting broadly on his work, Huxley acknowledges “within the forms, structure and colours I aim to make something in the act of happening, something like an event”; the artist as excited as ever about the “endless possibilities in the language of painting which I am committed to explore.”