Chris Orr
of my mind I went to Holland in 2012. I visited Delft but I failed to get
inspired with any thing remotely Vermeeresque. I did however pick up many
observations in Friesland, Utrecht and Den Haag which combined together to make
my own Dutch scene. The port at Harlingen was my main inspiration thronged with
wonderful sailing boats.
The lithograph was drawn
up in Berlin at Keystone Litho workshop and was then sent to Aberdeen Peacock
Visual Arts, where I added a number of silk screen colours using very
transparent water based inks. The combination of stone litho and silk screen
gives a strong depth to the image. The subject had become a celebration of my
favourite artists all of whom would share my enthusiasm for the harbour. Munch,
Seurat and Caspar David Friedrich get a name check. through the swing bridge as
an optimistic image of the voyage we are all embarking on.
Lithography appeals to
my sense of planning. The artist must conceive of an idea and execute it
through careful forethought and prediction. You can change your mind halfway
through, but that’s expensive. It has to keep inspiration despite the schedules
and technical demands. It is a production, and when everything goes right it
should look effortless."
-Chris Orr